
Thursday, June 14, 2012

JUNE 2012

How did I ever get myself into this mess? I swear, I love 'em and they leave me. If I don't want them then they refuse to go. This bastard, as I call him most times now, just up and started dating another woman because I didn't call him for a few days. Some folks say it's all my fault but I like to believe that he's just an ass! 7 full months we spent together. Weekend getaways, moments snatched during busy schedules, his surgery, my car breaking down. And all because of a little phone mix up he drops me like a hot potato.
I won't lie, my heart is aching everyday. It's been 2 full months and the sting still feels like he said the words to me last night. He was hateful about it too. Smug and happy with himself.
How do you get over heartache? How do you have faith to know that all will be well sooner, rather than later. People always talk about how GOD knows what will happen before we do and all things work out for the good of those who love HIM. Well,.... where is my good. I'm so tired of dating and meeting new men, weeding out the bad from the good, from the rotten. I don't think I will love again, by choice. F&%K love. It's just another 4 letter word that people use when they cannot express how they truly feel.

 YEP! F&%K LOVE!!!