
Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Now that I have you all cought up and in my mix, we can start the process.........LETS G-O!!

Welcome to VA....where the playas play.......

Well now I'm in VA...Virginia. HHHMMMM........yeah at first things were good. We (me & the girls) got here in February of 2009. I had no job, but my man told me not to worry about that he was gonna take care of everything. So, while I played full time mom and house-girlfriend, my man made all the money. He payed the bills, he bought the necessities and didn't fuss about it. His mother on the other hand wanted to be sure I had a job. Everyday she would ask me if I had gotten a job yet or if I had put in an application here or there. Each time my reply was the same.....YES!!! I wanted to tell her to leave me alone ....I never did. But I did look for and get a job. There began to be friction in the house between, Sweetie & me after about the third month of me being here. He wanted to know what I was doing with the little military stipend I was getting every month. I was paying a few bills but I was also trying to keep up with what my girls needed. But that pissed me off so bad I just looked for a job even harder. I ended up getting a job as a rental agent with one of the subsidized housing facilities in VA. Today was my first day and I like it. I can move up the ladder professionally and I can move around on a daily basis. So I'm gonna be still for now and see what this new life has to offer.